St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox
9511 Joos Road Jacksonville, FL 32220 Ph: 904-738-9609 stkingmilutinfl@gmail.com

The mission of St King Milutin Serbian Orthodox Church is to proclaim and live the Orthodox Christian Faith in its fullness as faithful members of the Body of Christ. With faith in God, through the preservation of our Serbian Orthodox tradition & culture, we seek to: Enhance our faith in the One Holy, Catholic (Universal) & Apostolic Church, Foster mutual love & unity amongst all the people, Do Charitable Works, Contribute to the religious, cultural & ethnic richness of the city we reside. This sacred mission is fulfilled in the Holy Spirit through the following expressions of ministry which include worship, teaching, outreach, hospitality, fellowship, & stewardship. In accepting this mission we acknowledge and confess that it is not in our power alone to accomplish this divine and sacred work. We will succeed only through the use of our own God-given gifts blessed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the Father, and the communion and fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
Youth Minsitries Mission
Our mission at St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox Church Youth Ministries is to help each student develop into a lifelong learner who is inspired with productive creativity, equipped with the skills of a critical thinker, problem solver, and decision maker, and prepared to be a responsible Christian.