St. King Milutin Serbian Orthodox
9511 Joos Road Jacksonville, FL 32220 Ph: 904-738-9609 stkingmilutinfl@gmail.com

President : Zorica Opačić
Vice President: Zorana Skočić Vice President : Zeljana Djuric
Treasurer: Dragoslava Josić Secretary: Ana Matic
Circle of Serbian Sisters, a famous women’s patriotic, cultural, educational and non-party association, was established in August 1903 in Belgrade. Its initiators were a famous Serbian painter, Nadežda Petrović and a writer, Branislav Nušić, who gave it its name, Kolo (the Circle). Serbian Sisters’ Circle is the precursor of numerous Serbian humanitarian organisations. The regional offices of the Circle were set up in many towns and cities.
After the 1941 occupation, the Germans banned the organisation due to its patriotic activities. After the World War II, the communist authorities considered it the remnants of the bourgeois society, banning the activities of all the women’s associations and confiscating their property.
In the spring of 1990, a group of women of Belgrade restored the activities of the Circle under the same principles of the pre-war organisation. The Circle members regularly visited the elderly and the sick, bringing them aid. They are especially active in taking care of the poor and vulnerable children of the former Yugoslavia regions. The Circle of Serbian Sisters is also active in the countries of the Serbian diaspora.
The Circle Statute reads: Membership of the Circle is an honour. To be a member is to do good for others. The members do not expect any fee for their work, their sole reward is a feeling that they have helped people in distress. Members of the Circle do not go in for politics. Circle of Serbian Sisters is an independent association with grounds in the sacred principles of Gospels and patriotism. They provide aid to anyone, regardless of their religion or nationality.
Kolo srpskih sestara (Circle of Serbian Sisters) is a women’s, humanitarian and cultural/educational society, non-governmental and non-profitable organization, financed by donations made by citizens and institutions, above all aimed to help the people in need. The association was found in 1903, initiated by cultural and civil elite of that time, and it continued its efforts so far wishing to re-establish the tradition of organized volunteering in our country. New Government in 1946 forbid its activities and expropriated its mobile and fixed assets, and the KSS reintegrated its work in 1990.
The KSS nowadays has 23 boards throughout Serbia, which include around 2000 women.
Our motto is: ‘’Treat others as you want them to treat you.’’ (Matthew, 7.12)
Target groups: children without parental care, children with some health disorder and with special needs, financially vulnerable families with many children, old and sick people without relatives, refugees and depopulated people, etc.
The KSS has been cooperating with many similar international organizations – OXFAM, Save the Children, JEN, AAR, IOCC, UNHCR, HELP, etc.
From its early days, the KSS performed cultural and educational role, apart from its humanitarian work, and served as an institution of high significance in preserving the precious cultural heritage of this area, as well as it was a pioneer in the field of education of young people and especially of the women population.
Nowadays, very popular and visited ‘’Evenings with Kolo..’’ are regularly held in atrium of the Ethnographic Museum, in Belgrade, where one can participate in various lectures, anniversaries of scientific, cultural and historical events, book promotions, concerts under campaign ‘’ Give youth a chance’’, etc.
Summer school ‘’Plava ptica’’ (Blue Bird) is surely worth mentioning, for it introduces elementary school pupils with the national arts (embroidery, pottery, weaving, old national songs and dances, etc.) as well as with some medical herbs.
Mission of the KSS is popularizing of philanthropy and generosity, especially among young people. Therefore, the KSS initiated a literary contest for its 100th anniversary (1903-2003) named ‘’The power of kindness’’ for the pupils of 7th grade of elementary schools (always different school in Belgrade, and in all 23 towns with the KSS boards).
The Sisters work solely on voluntarily basis (with no financial or personal benefit) which makes this association a unique one, from many aspects.